MONROE TWP., NEW JERSEY – “I can’t figure out if Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno’s call to vote no on public question # 2 is an act of political opportunism and dishonesty or simply a dereliction of duty. Either way, it is wrong. Public Question # 2 gives voters the power to ensure that money raised from the gas tax goes to maintaining and fixing our transportation infrastructure and nowhere else. Simply put, money raised through transportation will be dedicated to transportation. Makes sense.
But let’s be clear what the Lt. Governor’s “no” vote would do: there would still be an increase in the gas tax, as well as tax breaks for New Jerseyans, but what there wouldn’t be is a constitutional check on where that money goes. Free money for politicians! That will end well, right?
Don’t like the fact that the increase is 23 cents? Well, if our state leaders would have done the right thing in smaller increments at any time since Ronald Reagan was president, we wouldn’t be where we are today. But Lt. Governor Guadagno wants us to believe that future state leaders will be better, that they would NEVER spend money irresponsibly, and NEVER avoid making tough decisions. Give these politicians a free pass on what to do with this money, Ms. Guadagno argues, and they promise, PROMISE, they will do the right thing. Pay no attention to the last 28 years, the bankrupt Transportation Trust Fund, the mounting debt, and crumbling infrastructure. It’s lunacy to believe her!
I believe that New Jersey voters understand that putting limits on state spending will benefit them directly. They may not all understand the dire need for more funding, but they certainly understand budgets, and they trust themselves more than politicians to make the right choice.
I am sorry, Lieutenant Governor Guadagno, but your position on Public Question # 2 is absolutely wrong for New Jersey. Voters want safeguards on how money is spent in this state. Your position gives politicians the keys to a safe full of money, and that should not happen. This is why I’ll be voting YES on Public Question #2.”
Vote YES on Q2!
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Raymond M. Pocino is Vice President and Eastern Regional Manager for the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA), representing more than 45,000 construction workers in New Jersey, New York City, Long Island, Delaware, and Puerto Rico. He also serves as a commissioner of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the NJ Turnpike Authority.